Hello, today I will guide on how to lose your belly fat and your overall body fat using the most efficient ways, stay with me until the end don’t forget to subscribe to get my latest posts and if there is something you want me to write about comment me.

How to lose belly fat (abdomen fat)

lose weight

If you want to lose your belly fat there are things you should add in your daily life the first thing is you should exercise. to exercise you don’t need a gym access, you can lose your body fat at home and around your surrounding so lets get to the topic.

To lose weight you need to burn more calorie than you eat as you hear it repeatedly and to know the amount of calorie you need to burn first you should know your basal metabolic rate or your rest metabolic rate. So to estimate your basal metabolic rate you can use online calculators that will give you good estimation here is one of the online calorie calculators. But online calorie calculator will not give you exact result they just give you a rough estimation.


After you estimate your basal metabolic rate the calculator will give you the amount of calorie you should burn to lose weight then you will start to burn the calorie the calculator gave you. So to burn the calorie the calculator give you, you should exercise. There are exercises you should perform daily, the most efficient way to lose fat is aerobic exercises.

If you want real change here are the exercises you should do.

Rope jumping

:-to lose your belly fat rope jumping is the best exercise after running , because it is the number 1 exercise by burning the most calorie in a shorter time and it have other benefits which strengthens your heart, increase lung oxygen intake and other many benefits and this exercise can burn 0.1kg of fat in 1 hour of rope jumping, which means if you jump 30 minutes for 5 times a week you will burn 0.25kg of fat in a week and 1kg in a month which is very great but when you start exercising for the first time jumping 30 minutes could be very hard so you can take a break when ever you are tired and to burn even extra calories you can use a weighted rope.

here is an ideal jumping rope that will help you lose fat faster.


:- the best exercise to lose fat is running it almost burn equal fat with running and it is useful for cardiovascular health too so it will give you good result when doing it with rope jumping, running for 30 minutes with a moderate speed in a day for 5 days a week will help you burn fat equal to rope jumping so if you have access to running field it is a good exercise which can burn 1 kg of fat in a month if performed as stated as above.




:-this exercise is also a great exercise to burn fat, if you have access for a bicycle it burn 0.7 kg of fat in a month if done for 30 minutes,5 times a week but if you don’t have access to bicycle you can perform it without bicycle by rolling your legs on the air by sitting on a chair .


Bicycling to lose weight


:-it is another good exercise for burning fat if you have access for swimming pool it can burn up to 0.6 kg of fat in a month if performed for 40 minutes and 3 times a week but if you don’t have access for this don’t worry there are many other alternative that are stated in this article.


Swimming to lose weight

So these are the 4 best exercises to lose your body fat and you can choose 2 or 3 exercises that are suitable for you

  Other than aerobic exercise adding strength training to your training session will help you maximize your results because it increase rest metabolic rate and it will minimize the loss of muscle tissue, some of the exercises are pushups, squats, sit-ups, weight lifting…etc

Tips:-after adapting the exercise increasing the duration and the intensity of the exercise will help lose more body fat and people who are very fat can lose body fat faster than average people so if you are fat you can burn more body fat so it is a good advantage for fat people so use this advantage and burn fat faster.


Increasing rest metabolic rate

Rest metabolic rate is the rate that your body burn calorie at rest without exercising or doing anything and your body burns from 60% to 70% of calorie you burn in a day with rest so increasing you rest metabolic rate will help you burn fat very well, there are foods you can eat to increase it here they are.


:- drinking tea helps to increase basal metabolic rate because it contains caffeine but try to reduce the amount of sugar you add to the tea because sugar contain a large amount of calorie which will change in to fat later but a little amount of sugar is essential for your health, but drinking more than 3 cup of tea could prevent you from sleeping at night and it have other complicated effect so don’t drink too much.

Cold water

:-drinking cold water helps to increase metabolic rate because your body burn energy to heat the water for using it, but don’t drink very cold water because it can harm your throat.

Eating protein

:-eating protein help you lose more fat because it burns more calorie to digest and it helps to repair the muscle you have lost in aerobic exercise and it gives lower calorie compared to fat and carbohydrate, some sources of protein are lean meat, fish, yoghurt, chicken …etc, and if you want to get protein from plant source peanuts, whole grain, lentils, soybean, …etc are very good source but plant source don’t have all amino acids so you have to combine 2 to 4 plant source protein to get all essential amino acids.

Foods to prevent

There are foods and drinks that are preventing you from achieving your goal which makes you accumulate more fat in your body these foods and drinks are

Sweetened beverages

:-sweetened beverage and soft drinks contain a very high amount of dissolved calories which have high probability to be changed in to fat and stored in your body and they have other side effects in your body, so try to prevent them completely.

Refined grains

:- refined grains contain a high amount of simple carbs which have no other benefits other than calories which are useless so try to change refined grains with whole grains.

Packed fruit juices

:-these juices contain a high amount of sugar which is not good for losing weight so instead of using them try to use a homemade juices with a low amount of sugar.

Trans fat

:-trans fats are fats that should be prevented for people who are trying to lose weight because this type of fat have a higher probability to be stored in your body than any kinds of fat so prevent trans fat.

Extra tips

Cooling your self

:-cooling yourself during sleep will help you burn more calories because your body burns calorie to warm your body so it is a great way to burn fat, but don’t overdo it because you will harm your muscles and joints if you freeze yourself.

Intermittent fasting

:-intermittent fasting is one of the most used way to lose weight the common type of intermittent fasting is eating your daily meals in an 8 hour session and the rest 16 hours will be fasting this method help to improve your metabolic rate and lose weight but if you feel something bad don’t try this method.


:- sleeping well have many countless benefits one of them is helping you to lose weight people who sleep more than 7 hours a day will have a lower chance of accumulating fat so try to sleep from 7 to 9 hours a day.

using supplements

:-there many supplements that will help lose body fat by boosting your metabolic rate and by other complicated way and they will help you a lot if you use them continuously. 

TO know the percentage of your body fat you can use this body fat percentage calculator which can help you to determine the amount of body fat percentage you have.

here is an apple cider vinegar gummies to help you lose weight.


 and here is a belly fat burner waist belt for women.

finally to measure your progress for example if you weight yourself on a scale try to measure your body weight after waking from sleep in the morning before eating or drinking any thing.

That’s all for today thank you for reading this article don’t forget to subscribe for latest articles and don't forget to put your thought on the comment.